This Sunday: Town Hall

Don’t miss our upcoming Town Hall meeting!
This is your opportunity to gain an inside perspective on what God is doing behind the scenes here at White Fields. Whether you’re new to our community or have been attending for years, everyone is welcome to join! The meeting will take place in the Sanctuary at 12:30 PM, immediately following the second service. We will be covering important updates relating to staff, finances, safety, building, events, missions, and pantry.

This Sunday, prepare for an in-depth exploration of Revelation 3:14-22. Here the church of Laodicea takes the stage in Pastor Nick's sermon titled "Lukewarm No More" . We will uncover how complacency and self-reliance lead to spiritual poverty and death, but a passionate pursuit of Jesus leads to lasting riches and abundant life.

We look forward to seeing each of you soon!

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