
Pray for our Missionaries

Zhenya Chekushkin
  • Praise:
    • For what God is doing in CC Churches in Ukraine in spite of the war.
  • Prayer requests:
    • For upcoming marriage conference.
    • For upcoming summer camps in Ternopil, Mukachevo, Nizhin and Svitlovodsk.
Lindsey Cuen
  • Praise:
    • We celebrated Thanksgiving with Calvary Miskolc and it was a blessed time of fellowship 
    • Successful interviews on TV Eger 
    • A new home fellowship in our church has started 
  • Prayer:
    • For the opportunities God provides with the local TV and through my job, to be used to bring many to His kingdom 
    • For Curt to learn Hungarian and Dávid to learn English and for them to encourage each other 
    • For Jucinéni's health and to be strengthened in her faith in her old age 
    • Curt is traveling to the states Dec 5-18th, please for God to bless his trip and bring him back safely
Curt Fuller
  • Successful conversion of my visa through June next year!
  • Growth in our church and worship team
  • I’m still excited about my new teaching job
  • New ministries like mid-week home fellowship
  • I have a renewed optimism for learning the language!

  • For the missionaries working to extend their visas this year
  • For growth and discipleship in all the Golgota churches in Hungary
  • For the mid-week fellowship, that it bless the people and deepen our connections with each other
  • For the Christmas outreach of the community of Christians For Eger (Joint Churches) while I am away
  • Learning Hungarian (Permanent prayer!)

Ben Morrison
  • Pray for God's justice against the terrorism of the Kremlin and that He would quickly crush down the evil bringing destruction to Ukraine. Pray for God to do a miracle and open their eyes to the horrors they are committing and repent.
  • Pray for the seeds that were planted during our many Christmas outreaches to Ukrainian IDPs during this time, that they would come to know the hope of Christ.
  •  For God's continued provision for us to continue serving refugees and bringing hope in the midst of suffering.
  •  For the many new believers we've been able to lead to faith over these months, that they would be rooted deeply in the Gospel. Pray especially that those who have moved on to other cities would find healthy churches.
  • Pray for my extended sabbatical, that I'd be able to finish my dissertation by this summer.
  • Pray for Tolya as he continues in the interim pastor role, that God would protect him and his family and continue to grow him and give him wisdom.
  • For the Lord to show mercy to Ukraine. Pray against the deception of some who are ready to turn a blind eye to Ukraine's suffering and hand Putin a victory.
  • For health and strength for our family. We are feeling the tiredness and effects of stress and trauma.
Isaac Nelson
  • Praise God for all He’s done during this first year of ministry with AIA Global. I’ve learned a lot. It’s been humbling being more attached to what is happening around the world. Please pray for me and how God wants to work in me this year that my work would be an outflow of His abundance in my life. Pray also for wisdom in a complex global environment. Cultural perspectives and political shiftings affect spiritual movements in ever changing and surprising ways.
  • Praise God for the many opportunities to link arms with others in ministry. Pray for the pastors in Rwanda, the missionaries in SE Asia, and unreached people all over the world that may go their whole lives without ever hearing the Good News of Jesus. 
  • Praise God for the amazing doors he is opening for ministry through the spiritual transformation of people that were once far from him. Please pray for provision of the projects in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa as we faithfully step into these new ministry opportunities.
  • Praise God for almost 5 months of marriage, and the blessing Emma and I have of hosting Christmas at our house for the first time. 
James Payne
  • Please continue to pray for our safety and the safety of the people of Ukraine
  • Pray for James and Abby as they were married on December 16. 
  • Pray about what capacity they can be apart of this outreach towards Christian artists called Crescendo.
  • Pray for a job for James.
Dan and Andrea Ryder
  • Pray for our son David, to walk with the Lord and make decisions that honor Him.
  • Cami is our youngest daughter, who has big missionary dreams for her future…and Cru has asked her for some much-needed leadership of close to thirty young missionaries who will go to South Africa for a month this July.  You might know that 95 percent of all career missionaries have one thing in common in their backgrounds…they went on short-term projects as young people.  Andrea and I are thrilled at the choices Cami is making and we hope you’ll pray for her.
  • From Cami:
    • Last summer, I got the opportunity to complete a summer internship with MK2MK, the ministry at Cru that works to support missionary kids and their families. It was an incredible experience. God taught me so much about myself and the importance of my testimony, as well as the importance of community and serving others with our talents. I've been invited to serve with MK2MK on this year's summer mission trip, from July 4th to the 31st. To make this possible, I need to develop a Ministry Partner Team. This is a group made up of people like you who would like to join me in this journey by praying and giving financially. My total need is roughly $6900, due by June 7th. I’d like to ask for prayer during this time. Please pray that God prepares me in these months before I go. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for being a part of my life.” Would you pray and think about helping our wonderful daughter go on her missions’ trip? The
      link is at the bottom of this letter, time is somewhat short, your gift to Cru is tax deductible, and Andrea
      and I would be deeply grateful. Please let us know!
      • Here’s where you can support Cami’s project (we’ll send your gift to her Cru account)
      • https://give.cru.org/0254931
      • Want to send your gift over the phone? 1-888-278-7233 option 1, option 1