
This Week's Sermon

Revelation 2:8-11 - Smyrna: Triumphant in Tribulation

In Revelation 2:8-11 we see that because Jesus conquered death, we can live without fear as we boldly pursue his callings for our lives.

This Week's Sermon Extra

Sermon Extra: Why Eusebius is Wrong About the Author of Revelation

In this week’s Sermon Extra, Pastors Nick and Michael discuss the claim that John of Patmos, who wrote Revelation, was a different John than the one who wrote the Gospel of John.

Check out more about other topics from Pastor Nick's blog:


This Week's Sermon

Titus 1:1-4 - The God Who Saves

In Titus 1:1-4 we see how God’s saving grace in Jesus changes your identity, transforms your affections, and sends you out in love to the world.

This Week's Sermon Extra

Sermon Extra: Are We in the Last Days?

In this week's Sermon Extra Pastors Nick Cady and Michael Payne discuss whether Christians should avoid bad people and what it means to have "an appearance of godliness but denying its power. They also discuss whether we are in the Last Days?
Check out more about other topics from Pastor Nick's blog: